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Częstochowa is one of the most extraordinary cities in our country, which is proven by its rich history and culture. Millions of pilgrims from all around the world visit the Jasna Góra Monastery each year, and the number of visitors constantly grows.
Tourists may find everything they may dream about in Częstochowa, as the beauty of this city, its gorgeous alleys, parks and promenades invite visitors for hiking. Magic of Częstochowa is also hidden in its well-tended, green areas, which may be found at each step.
Well-tended parks, avenues and squares attract tourists seeking for rest. Gorgeous fountains, surrounded by benches are located in parks making them a real oasis of calm.
Częstochowa is one of the Polish cities where tourist life is teeming all year round. Guest rooms, hotels and restaurants are prepared for tourists all year, in each season. The city is a beautiful place to visit, both in winter and during summer. Additionally, location of the city at the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland over the river Warta attracts people fascinated with hiking and seeking for breathtaking views.


Dla większości turystów najważniejszym celem wizyty w Częstochowie jest:

Jasna Góra / Bazylika / Jasnogórska Madonna / Kaplica Cudownego Obrazu / Skarbiec

Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

Mirów / Przeprośna Górka

Mstów / Klasztor Kanoników Regularnych

Złoty Potok / Muzeum Zygmunta Krasińskiego

Muzeum Okręgowe w Częstochowie – dawny Ratusz
Muzeum 600-lecia
Muzeum Produkcji Zapałek

*Szczegóły dotyczące powyższych obiektów wraz z mapkami dostępne na miejscu